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4th Block Art I 2012-2013: 2nd Semester

Jim Croad
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Welcome to the Minden High School 2nd Block Art I page. The goals of this class are:
1. To develop students’ creative abilities and higher order thinking skills.
2. Develop an understanding of the Elements of Art (Line, Shape/Form, Value, Color, Space, and Texture) and use them in creating works of art.
3. Learn how to apply the Principles of Design (Balance, Unity, Contrast, Emphasis, Pattern, Movement, and Rhythm)
4. To develop the basic foundations of drawing based on direct observation and the use of chiaroscuro.
5. To view and discuss representative works of art from a variety of periods and cultures.
6. To develop the skills and language needed to respond with understanding to diverse works of art through instruction on art criticism.


Art I: Foundations in Art- Syllabus
Mr. Croad
MHS 377-2766; Home 382-7683
1.       To develop students’ creative and higher-order thinking skills.
2.       Develop an understanding of the Elements of Art (Line, Shape/Form, Value, Color, Space, and Texture) and use them in creating works of art.
3.       Learn how to apply the Principles of Design (Balance, Unity, Contrast, Emphasis, Pattern, Movement, and Rhythm)
4.       To develop basic drawing skills through use of a wide variety of techniques and media.
5.       To view and discuss representative works of art from a variety of periods and cultures.
6.       To develop the skills and language needed to respond with understanding to diverse works of art through instruction on art criticism.
It is my heartfelt desire for each of you to be successful in both this class and in life. I am here to help you towards these goals in any way I can. The first way I will do this is by providing you a safe and positive classroom environment. Secondly, I will guide you toward the completion of the class objectives through a range of activities including demonstrations, lectures, readings, discussion, worksheets, sketchbooks, and projects. Finally, I am more than willing to provide extra assistance both in and outside of class time as needed upon request.
My students begin class with a wide range of artistic experience and development, but each of them has the ability to earn a good grade. In other words, talent is not a prerequisite for this class. What is necessary, however, is a positive attitude, consistent effort, creativity, and a willingness to take responsibility for your own education. Earning an “A” is not an easy task, but if you complete all of the work to the best of your ability, I guarantee you will earn a decent grade.
                Successful people make their own luck. They achieve.
                It takes
                to be successful and to achieve.
                Successful students know the rules and follow them:
1.       BE RESPECTFUL (to the teacher, to your peers, and to yourself. Keep hands, feet, objects, as well as negative comments, criticisms, and behaviors to yourself).
2.       FOLLOW DIRECTIONS (the first time they are given).
4.       COME PREPARED (bring all necessary materials and be ready to learn).
5.       NO FOOD or DRINK ALLOWED (they will be thrown away- consider this your warning).
6.       WORK QUIETLY and STAY ON TASK (use your time wisely. Keep conversations art-related. Save the socializing for after class).
Students who follow these rules produce quality work. I will be reinforcing positive behavior with ROLL Points. These can be redeemed in class for privileges, prizes and special activities, or can be used at the school-wide ROLL MART. I will also periodically send out emails to parents praising students’ good efforts.
Successful students know you have to keep SCORE. Your grades for each nine weeks will be based on the following:
 1.       SMARTS
20% of your final grade will come from a tally of your weekly Behavior and Participation points. These are called SMARTS. You will start each week with 8 points, which is 8o percent, or a high “C”. Each time I catch you “earning SMARTS” through good behavior or participation, you will earn a point. When I catch you “losing SMARTS” through rule violations, it will cost you a point. 10 is the highest number of SMART points you can earn each week, but for every consecutive week of earning the maximum number of SMARTS, you will earn ROLL points which can be redeemed for prizes and privileges.
2.       DO NOWS
 You will be required to keep a notebook of terms, worksheets, and “Do Nows” that will be worth 10% of your grade each marking period. If you are absent, it is up to you to get the notes for the days that you miss.
a. You will be responsible for keeping a sketchbook that will be checked every Monday (or the first day back to school if Monday is a holiday or if you are absent on a Monday).
b. If I am absent the day that they are due, sketchbooks will be graded upon my return. They will be marked late if they are not handed in that day.
c. Each week, the sketchbook will be worth up to 10 pts. You will be allowed to hand it in one day late, but 8 pts. is the most that you will be able to earn. 
d. If you are absent for any amount of time, the sketchbook assignment is due the day of your return. If you don’t have it, you will receive a zero.
e. You will not receive the maximum amount of points if the sketches do not use the entire page, exhibit at least ten minutes of focused drawing per sketch, and show growth from previous sketchbook assignments. In other words, your sketches must display genuine effort and continuing artistic development.
f. You may use any medium that you wish, but at least three of your sketchbook drawings each week should be made from direct observation; by that I mean drawing not from memory, your imagination, a photo, or another drawing of something, but from a three-dimensional person, place, or thing directly in front of you. The other two sketches do not have to be from direct observation, but cannot be copied from any other artwork.
g. Sketchbooks will be worth 20% of your total marking period grade.
                 a. These major assignments make up the bulk of the class and are worth 50% of your grade.
                 b. Exams are comprehensive and will be given at the end of each unit.
 c. Formal Critiques will be typed and graded according to a rubric that you will be given when instructed on how to complete the critique.
 d. Studio projects will change in objectives but the grading criteria will always be the same. In an effort to make grading of art studio projects as objective as possible, and to allow students to know the exact criteria by which every project is evaluated, I have developed the SCORE grading system:
5 pts.  Did the student create Sketches that explore multiple options and develop his/her concepts for the project?
10 pts. Does the project display strong Craftsmanship? In other words, is there good attention to detail? Is it neat, clean, and complete?
10 pts. Is it Original? Is the work new, unique, and imaginative? Does it display personal growth and creativity?
5 pts. Did the student write a Reflection on his/her work? Does it demonstrate real insight about the strengths and weaknesses of the work, and an understanding of how well the project objectives were met.
20 pts. Is the work Effective overall? Does it communicate a message well? Does it have a strong composition? Does it effectively employ the Elements and Principles of Art?
50 pts.
                Entering the Classroom:
1.       Be in the room before the bell rings.
2.       Have your Art Binder ready.
3.       Begin work on the “Do Now” activity written on the board or left on your desk.
4.       Quietly work on this activity until I signal for your attention.
Tardy to Class:
If your entire body is completely in the classroom when the bell rings, you are on time. Otherwise you are tardy and will have to be swept to the TESS room in addition to losing one SMART point.
 A three -ring binder with tabs for “Important Info”, “Do Nows”, and “Sketchbook”, a regular wooden pencil, and a large eraser should be brought to class daily. If you forget one of these items, I will let you borrow a replacement, but if this becomes a habit, you will begin to lose SMART points. All other materials will be supplied through your $10.00 class fee.
Daily Assignments:
In the case that you are absent or otherwise need reminding, there will be a weekly assignment page on the class EDU2.0 page that will outline the tasks you will work on during the week. We will set up your EDU2.0 account during the first week of school. This account can be accessed through any computer at your convenience or through the art computer lab with my permission.
Turning in Assignments:
Handouts, worksheets and other written work done on loose leaf or copy paper should be kept in the front pocket of your binder and will be graded along with your weekly “Do Now” and Sketchbook assignments every Monday. No other papers, notes or other materials should be kept in the front pocket of your binder at any time. I will not grade binders that are not properly organized.
Art projects done on large drawing paper should be turned in to the “Ready to be Graded” drawer marked with your block number. All projects should be labeled with your name, block, and date of completion on the back lower right corner of your work. Failure to do so will cost five points from your final SCORE for that project.
Returning Assignments:
Once I have graded your studio projects, they will be returned to your block’s “Graded” drawer.
Work in your binder will be graded and handed back to you.
Finding out Grade Status in Class:
I highly encourage each of you to get the password from your parent or guardian to access the school’s Parent Center in order to be able to monitor your grades. In addition, you will be given a grade log sheet to keep in your Sketchbook that, if kept up, will allow you to determine your current grade in class.
Your Responsibilities After an Absence:
You are responsible for finding out from EDU2.0, from classmates, or from me (before or after class, or during lunch) what you missed. You will have the same number of days to make up work without penalty as you were absent. After that, late assignment point deductions will apply. Because absences can be result in heavy work loads that are extremely difficult to recover from, I highly encourage you to monitor the class EDU2.0 page and complete any assignments while you are absent whenever possible.
Leaving Class:
You will be allowed 3 hall-passes to leave the classroom for the semester. These passes may be used to go to the restroom, get a drink of water, recover something that was left in another class, go to the office, or any other reason that you may have. Simply remember that you are only provided with three, after that you will not be allowed to leave the room unless you are called out by the office. USE YOUR PASSES WISELY!
The procedure for using one of your three passes is to open your handbook to the hall-pass page, and hold it up in the air. I will come to you and sign you out, at which time you will be welcome to leave for no more than ten minutes.
If you do not have your handbook or the hall-pass page has been torn or blacked out you will not be allowed to go.
At the end of each nine-week grading period you will be awarded bonus or roll points for each unused hall-pass.
Ending Class:
Approximately five minutes before the end of class, I will call your attention for final announcements and clean-up procedures. You will be dismissed by me (not the bell) when the classroom has been completely and properly cleaned up. Improper clean-up will result in either the group or the individual being kept in class after the bell until the situation is remedied.
Communication Procedures with Parents or Guardians:
The life of a teacher with four kids of his own is often highly unpredictable. Because of this, correspondence through email is usually the most efficient way to contact me should you or your parent/guardian need to do so. My address is I check my emails regularly and most often can respond within a few hours, whereas receiving a phone call from me may take several days. However, if you do feel the need to contact me by phone, my home number is 382-7683. I’m always happy to help in any way I can, but please call within reasonable hours.
Art Fee:
Unfortunately, our budget for class is extremely limited and art supplies are very expensive. To ask every student to purchase all of the individual supplies needed for the class would create a heavy burden on them. By combining funds and buying those supplies in bulk, I am able to reduce that burden tremendously. Therefore there is a $10.00 Art supply fee for every member of the class. I rely on this fee to purchase the supplies needed for your learning, therefore I take its collection very seriously. The art supply fee is due by Monday, January 23rd. Please talk to me privately if you are having trouble coming up with the fee by this date, and I will set up a payment plan as needed. Otherwise, 1 SMART point will be deducted per week, until the fee is paid, and you will be placed on the debt list.
Consequences for Classroom Rule Violations:
If you violate a rule, you may be assigned one or more of the following consequences:
·         Loss of SMART Points
·         Behavior contract
·         Parental contact
·         Office referral
If you ever feel that the enforcing of the rules and consequences is unfair, I encourage you to  schedule an appointment with me to discuss the situation. I will be as objective and neutral as possible in hearing your complaints and comments.
Our school is a member of Artsonia (, the largest student online art museum. We will be uploading your artwork to our school’s web gallery on Artsonia so that it may be viewed regularly by your family and friends. Artsonia preserves your online safety, privacy, and anonymity, by listing your artwork by only your first name and a number; last names are never revealed.
One of the most exciting features of being published on Artsonia is that friends and family can leave nice comments about your work and even join your fan club! Your parent/guardian will be required to pre-approve all comments before they are posted to further assure your safety and privacy. A second great feature of Artsonia is that you or your friends and family can purchase tons of products like t-shirts, tote bags, and greeting cards with your artwork on them, straight from the site. Plus, 15% of the funds from each purchase will go directly back into our classroom.
Classroom Wish List:
By necessity, artists are scavengers and we are no different here at Minden High. Please check your attics, closets, cupboards, and garages for any extra or no longer needed household items that you may be able to donate to us. We will use all kinds of art materials for our projects. No student is required to donate, but if you can, it will certainly be put to good use. Please contact me if you have items not listed that you think we may be able to use:

            Electric Mixers

Magazines, magazines, magazines
Wallpaper books
Baby food container w/ lids (glass or plastic)
Pringles cans- Lays Stax (any plastic container w/ lid)
Zip-lock bags (especially big ones)
Baby wipes
Aluminum Foil, Wax paper, Paper towels
Wood (Ply-wood, 2x4s, etc.)
Tools (pliers, screw drivers, hammers, etc.)
Calendars with interesting pictures
Fascinating objects to draw (hats, shoes, typewriters, antiques, etc.)
Old animal bones and skulls (with any animal still attached please)
Old art books
Hair stylist books
Old kitchen utensils
Odd cups/saucers, tea-pots, bottles
Bottle caps
Fake flowers and plants
Vases, flower pots
Boots (cowboy, hiking, etc.)
Store manikins
Ceramic Tile
Matt Board
Storage containers (to keep all these goodies)
“How to” Books
Picture frames
Old keys
Burlap sacks
Musical instruments (especially brass, trumpet, trumbone, etc.)
Power tools
Xerox machine
Ceramics kiln
Slab roller
Book press
Antique bicycle
Motorcycle (well… if you don’t ask…? I’d love to hang one from the ceiling for students to draw)

Parent Information
Please return by Tuesday,  for a 10 point grade for your student.
Please look over the syllabus for Art I and encourage your student to do his/her best. Feel free to contact me anytime with comments, questions, or concerns. I encourage you to use my email:
Student Name________________________________________________
Parent(s) Name(s)_____________________________________________
Parent email _________________________________________________
Parent phone #_______________________________________________
May I call this number during working hours? ___________________
If not, when is the best time to call?___________________________
Other Important Info:

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